
Commissioning of diesel generator sets

Diesel generator sets installed, put into operation, you must conduct a comprehensive inspection of the unit.
◎ diesel unsealed
In order to prevent engine corrosion, the factory's products, its internal and external seals are, therefore, the new units installed to meet installation requirements must be unsealed to start, whether the responsibility will result in Speed ​​danger, must be given.

Remove the seal of the steps are as follows:
(1) diesel fuel heated to above 45 ℃ ~ 56 ℃ for scrubbing to remove the external anti-rust oil.
(2) water to be heated above 90 ℃, and then from the water jacket outlet constantly poured from the side of the drain switch cylinder
(Or pump inlet) flow, continuous 2 - 3 hours, and intermittently crank crankshaft, the piston top, cylinder liner surface rust and other parts of the oil dissolved out.
(3) wash with clean diesel oil pan, and change into the new oil. Cooling and fuel systems, fuel injection speed control system, water pump, start the drive should be cleaned by manual inspection requirements, and add a little clean cool water, adequate starter battery and do the preparatory work before the start.
◎ front of the unit test to check
(1) Diesel test drive before the checks are as follows:
Check whether the unit clean surface; foot nuts, screws and other moving parts flywheel nut without loosening, identify problems and fastening.
Check each part of the gap is correct, in particular, should carefully check the intake and exhaust valve clearance gap of several relief agencies to meet the requirements.
Decompression will be placed in the cylinder position, rotate the crankshaft inspection listen to the sound operation of the cylinder with or without abnormal noise parts, crankshaft rotation is comfortable, while the oil pump into a friction surface, and then close the vacuum body, shake crankshaft, cylinder inspection leaks, if shaking the crankshaft, the feeling is very laborious, said compressed normal.
Check the fuel supply system of the case, as follows:

Check the vent on the fuel tank cap is smooth, if there are holes in the dirt should be cleaned. Adding diesel to meet the requirements of the grades, the adequacy of oil, and open the circuit switch.

Open decompression institutions crank crankshaft, each cylinder fuel injection should be crisp sound, said injection well. If you do not hear the sound of fuel injection to oil, there may be oil in the air, then you can unscrew the fuel filter and fuel pump bleed screw, to exclude the oil in the air.

Check the tubing and joints without leakage, identify problems in time to solve.
Check the water cooling system of the following steps:

Check the cooling water tank is sufficient, if the water shortage, should add a little clean soft water.

Check whether the leaking pipe joints, identify problems in time to solve.

Check the cooling water pump impeller rotation is flexible, elastic belt is appropriate. Check the belt tension, turning his hand to push with a central pressure belt is depressed 10 ~ 15mm is appropriate.
Check the lubrication system of the following steps:

Check the oil pipe and pipe joints without leakage, identify problems in time to solve.

Check the oil sump capacity, the crankcase side of the dipstick out to observe whether the oil surface height requirements of the rules, otherwise you should add oil, diesel engine, winter plus 8 or 11 diesel engine oil, plus 14 in summer engine oil. In the inspection, the oil level is found above the height of the rules, should carefully analyze the reasons for the increase in oil, usually there are three reasons.
Add oil, add too much.
Diesel fuel leak into the crankcase, the oil dilute.
Cooling water leak into the engine oil.

Require manual refueling hole, filling the oil should do the oil gun lubrication.
Check the starting system of the following steps:

Starting with the engine set point, step
Starting batteries should be checked whether the proportion of electro-hydraulic range of 1.240 ~ 1.280, if the proportion is less than 1.180 indicates the battery charge is low.
Check the power cord is correct.
Check the battery terminals on the availability of the contamination or oxidation, it should be polished clean.
Check the starter motor and solenoid electrical control mechanism such as shock contact is good.

Alternator installation check the following steps:
Alternator coupled with diesel generators, requiring the coupling of parallelism and concentricity of less than 0.05mm. The actual end use requirements can be a little more, about 0.1mm or less, large back impact the normal operation of the bearing, causing damage, coupled with locating pins, a good fixed. Retest before installing coupling.
Bearing in the coupling of the generator, the generator to adjust the height of the center of center a little to get some of your diesel engine, diesel engine on the flywheel so that the weight will not be transferred to the generator bearings, generator bearings or bear the additional flywheel weight, not conducive to the bearing oil film formation, resulting in fever, and even burned bearings. The coupling of these generators can not take any weight on.
Installation of generators, to ensure the smooth flow of cooling air at the entrance, and to be secluded to avoid the hot exhaust air re-entering the generator. If ventilation is covered with blinds, the window should be down to meet the level of protection requirements.
Single bearing generators should pay special attention to mechanical coupling between the stator rotor air gap should be uniform.
According to the schematic or wiring diagram, select the appropriate power cables, copper connectors to cables, copper connectors and bus, bus and bus tighten, the local clearance of its joints is not more than 0.05mm, the distance between the wires is not greater than 10mm, need to install the necessary ground.
Generator outlet box terminal head hit a U, V, W, N mark, he said the actual phase sequence does not depend on the direction of rotation. UVW printed on the certificate that the actual rotation clockwise phase sequence, VUW counterclockwise rotation means that the actual phase sequence.
If the power supply system in the generator neutral point of interconnection, and transformer or generator neutral and load neutral point connection, the unit is running in the neutral line will qualify 3 times the frequency of the neutral current . Therefore, we must run in all sorts of possible load conditions, the generator neutral current was measured. In order to run the generator will not overheat, which shall not exceed the line current generator bottom 50% of the rated current. Middle power is too large, the center line should be installed in the line reactor is limited.

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